Intestinal worms in adults: symptoms, treatment

The worms call worms of the groups of worms that are parasites in the human body and cause of disorders of functions of organs and systems. In adults, people are often pinworms and roundworms. May also assist different types of tapeworms, which belong to the band to. In all cases, when the symptoms of the helminth infection, you should immediately consult your doctor, who will prescribe an effective treatment.

The causes of the disease

There are several sources of contamination of the organism helminth infections:

  1. Helminth infections – in this case, to fall into the human body through the soil and the water. It can also occur in case of contact with animals and during the migration of the eggs of flies on the food.
  2. Contact – helminths transmitted from person to person. So usually apply the pinworms, and the risk of infection is very high.
  3. Bio-helminths – worms of the earth are located in the body, after the consumption of raw materials and half-cooked meat or fish.
  4. The insect bites. Quite often, the vectors of worms are mosquitoes.
Worms in adults

The main route of infection by worms of the earth is considered by the fecal-oral route. In this case, the eggs of worms enter the human body with food or water. Quite rare worm infestations that occur during the insect bites.

The symptoms of worms in adults

Signs of infection are directly dependent on the location of worms in the body. The largest colonies of parasites – roundworms, pinworms, tapeworms – are found in the intestine, however, some helminths are capable of moving on the body. For example, roundworms can first go to the stomach, and from there, with a current of blood entering the lungs or the liver. There, they develop in a period of three weeks, and then fall into the gut or the stomach.

Pinworms are often located in the anus, causing itching. In women, they can also be localized in the genitals. These parasites, such as flukes, often live in the liver and the pancreas. Echinococcus granulosus can affect the muscles and bones, and taenia – penetrate even into the brain. Some types of worms can be found in the organs of respiration, causing a persistent cough.

Depending on the location of the meeting of the manifestation of helminthiasis:

  • Constipation. The to larger sizes may close the intestinal lumen, which causes the violation of the chair. The constipation can last more than two days.
  • Diarrhea. Certain parasites produce a specific substance, to stimulate the body to the selection of non-digestible remnants of food with plenty of water.
  • Flatulence. Certain types of deworming agents cause a distension of the intestine, which leads to formation of excessive gas. If the time is not to get rid of the worms, flatulence can last for several months.
  • The irritable bowel syndrome. Helminths can cause the development of inflammation in the intestine, leading to disruption of the absorption of nutrients.
  • The sensation of the pain in the muscles and joints. Earthworms can be localized in any part of the body. If they fall in the joints or the muscles begin to destroy the tissue. As a result, there is the pain, which are the body's reaction to the livelihood of the parasite.
  • Allergies. The selection of helminths can cause the production of body-specific eosinophilic cells. They lead to the inflammation of the tissue, which is the cause of development of allergic reactions.
  • Diseases of the skin. Following the man appear acne, wrinkles, hives, acne, and even papilloma. Sometimes, infection of worm infections leads to increased fragility of the nails and hair.
  • The anaemia. Individual varieties of earthworms are able to stick to the walls of the intestine, receiving from him not only nutrients, but the blood. In the end, the man is the development of anemia.
  • The sensation of the pain in muscles and joints
  • The weight change. The more often the infection of helminth infections leads to a significant weight loss. The fact that the parasites absorb a significant amount of nutrients entering the human body with food. In addition, the presence of worm infestation often leads to a loss of appetite. However, in some cases, the man has been an increase in the mass of the body – this process is a defensive reaction of the body for the allocation of earthworms.
  • Problems in the functioning of the nervous system. The presence of earthworms in the body of a negative influence of the state of the nervous system. As a result, the person develops anxiety, anxiety and even depression.
  • The sleep disorders. If the person wakes up each night in the middle of the sleep, this may indicate a worm infestation. It is at this period of purification of liver against the toxins produced by helminths. Usually, a night of parasites can leave the body through the anus, and this process is accompanied by a feeling of strong itching.
  • The chronic fatigue syndrome. This condition manifests itself in the form of depression, lethargy, weakness. The reason of this problem lies in a lack of nutrients in the body. In humans we can observe a deterioration of the memory, the emotional stress.
  • The disturbances of the immune system. The contamination of helminth infections may cause immune disorders. As a result, the person a lot more sick of viral diseases. It may appear allergic reactions to the usual products. In the intestine often develops bacteria or colitis, and his face will appear acne, rashes and fever.
  • The cancer pathology. Helminths can so poison the body as the immunity does not come at the end of this process. As a result, develop a variety of complications, particularly favourable to the appearance of malignant tumors.
  • The inflammatory process in the respiratory tract. Worms can move freely in different organs, and, of course, the respiratory system cannot be an exception. If the worms block the ducts in breathing, may appear difficulties with the breathing process. In humans, there is often cough and increased body temperature. Pretty dangerous complication of the helminth infection is the development of bronchial asthma.
The methods of diagnosis of helminthiasis

The methods of diagnosis of helminthiasis

In order to identify the worms in the body of an adult man, the most often used ovoscopy. This study lies in the analysis of a feces on eggs of helminths, which are parasites in the organs of the digestive system. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to get results that one hundred percent because all the worms are systematically lay eggs.

A more precise result, we can use histologic coprogram. Thanks to this study fails to identify clearly the parts of the body of earthworms as well as their eggs. As a result, you can not only diagnose helminth infections, but also to determine the types of parasites identified.

If there is a hint on the location of helminths in the lungs, illustrated by the realization of an x-ray. In addition, the study of the sputum. In order to identify the parasites in the liver, brain, or kidneys, is a ct scan or an ultrasound. For the diagnosis of helminths in the blood doing a blood test. Also this effect can be carried out immunological tests.

The treatment of helminths in adults

For an effective therapy, you should consult your doctor and follow his recommendations. A specialist called a treatment only on the basis of the results of the analyses. Even taking medication can't, because they have toxic effects on the human body. In addition, it is necessary to take into account that during different helminth infections may need several treatments. Of great importance when choosing the dosage of the drug of the age and the weight of the man.

During the detection of pinworms or ascaris to treat of medication.

Many drugs are ineffective against larvae and eggs of helminths. In addition, there is a large enough threat to the self-infestation Enterobius. This is why, after 2-3 weeks of treatment should be repeated.

One of the remedies to fight against helminths secrete pumpkin seeds and the herb tansy. The seeds of the sunflower, it is recommended to clean yourself, in order to keep and eat a thin film, located between the seed and the skin.

To get rid of the worms 300 g of this product, you need to chop, mix with honey and eat it. The do is better in the morning of the day. Then, you must within a period of 3-4 hours to refrain from meal. At the end of this time, you need to do an enema. The treatment can be repeated after a few weeks.

One of the most popular ways of down to earth is the tansy. To prepare the broth, 3 tablespoons of herbs should pour a glass of boiling water and let stand for 1 hour, then drain. The tool is necessary to drink 3 to 4 times a day a tablespoon.

Cope with toxins and destroying the earth worms will help products with a bitter taste. For these purposes, it is recommended to apply the wormwood and the cloves. In addition, almost all the helminths do not tolerate the acidic environment. Therefore, to treat intestinal worms is possible through the inclusion in the diet of sauerkraut, apple cider vinegar, natural juices of fruits and vegetables acids.

If there is a doubt on the presence of worms in the body, it is necessary to include in the diet of a large number of carrots fresh. It is also very useful natural drink carrot juice and the macérat of birch buds. For its preparation a teaspoon of the raw materials need to pour a glass of water and heat on the steam bath for half an hour. After two hours the infusion is ready for use. It is recommended to take a half-cup of the tool to two times a day. The course of therapy 1 week.

The prevention of helminth

To not have to struggle with the serious consequences of the infection infected, it is recommended to perform prevention activities. To do this, you must give up the consumption of the water sources or wells. You can drink only boiled or filtered water.

After the contact with the earth of the hand, it must be well washed with soap. Not less carefully it is necessary to wash the vegetables, herbs, fruits and berries. It is very important to expose depth to a heat treatment of the meat, fish and poultry. Not recommended to use the dried, salted, or raw foods with a high content of blood.

After a swim in the water, you must take a shower. Not worth it to allow the pet to lick the hands or face, because, in their language, may attend the eggs of helminths. After contact with animals it is necessary to wash hands well. In addition, it is necessary to perform pest control the cleaning of the pet.

Helminth infections

Characteristics of the leak helminths during pregnancy

Infection by worms of the earth is not at the shelter, and, of course, pregnant women are no exception. In addition, during the gestation of the child considerably the immune system is weakened, but because threat the development of the helminth infection increases. To avoid this, it is necessary to pay attention to the prevention of disease – wash hands thoroughly after using the toilet or contact with animals, handle with care the vegetables, herbs and fruits before eating.

If infection occurs, you should immediately consult a physician. During pregnancy, you can take away from any medication of worms. In this period, it is only the application of the piperazine. When the infection Ascaris the dosage is 1.5-2 g, the duration of treatment is 2 days to 2 admission one hour before meals. If a pregnant woman is diagnosed with pinworms, the therapy needs to continue for 5 days, and by taking the medication at the same dosage.

Earthworms are fairly common in adults, causing serious disruptions in the functioning of many organs and systems. To prevent the development of complications dangerous, the penalty of the prevention of helminthiasis. If the parasites penetrated in the body, you should immediately consult your doctor, who will prescribe an effective remedy.